The History of our Irish License (Number) Plates..
Some of my Plates I have collected over the years... |
In the Republic of Ireland (26 Counties), vehicle registration plates (commonly known as "number plates") are the visual indications of motor vehicles registration – officially termed "index marks which it has been mandatory since 1903 to display on most vehicles used on public roads in Republic of Ireland. The registration numbers themselves were issued by the local authority in which a vehicle is first registered.
- A very early Waterford City registered car WI 20 leaving the RIAC premises on Dawson Street for a rally in 1906.
- WI 1 was issued in January 1904 and that series ended in Waterford City with WI 9999 in January 1966.
- So in 62 years Waterford City Registered 9999 vehicles..They changed to 1 AWI in January 1966.
- The final registered vehicle in Waterford City of the old series (1903 - 1986) was WWI 80.
- The Next sequence would have been the new system yy / cc / nnnn.
- Example 87 W 1 Registered to a blue Toyota Starlet.
PHI 1 Registered in Tipperary South in October 1965.
Note the CD badge meaning it's a diplomatic car.
Still in use for the Philippine embassy in London.
Next is a list of License plates registered in County Carlow (IC) 1903 - 1986
The Icelandic embassy in London owns IC 1 but it was registered in Co Carlow First , As with a lot of our good plates it made it's way onto the UK system. |
IC DEC 1903 - APRIL 1964
AIC APRIL 1964 - SEP 1965
BIC SEP 1965 - JUNE 1967
CIC JUNE 1967 - OCT 1968
DIC OCT 1968 -NOV 1969
EIC NOV 1969 - DEC 1970
FIC DEC 1970 - MAR 1972
GIC MAR 1972 - FEB 1973
HIC FEB 1973 - JAN 1974
IIC JAN 1974 - JAN 1975
JIC JAN 1975 - JAN 1976
KIC JAN 1976 - AUG 1976
LIC AUG 1976- MAY 1977
MIC MAY 1977 - JAN 1978
NIC JAN 1978 - JULY 1978
OIC JULY 1978 FEB 1979
PIC JAN 1979 OCT 1979
RIC OCT 1979 - MAY 1980
SIC MAY 1980 - FEB 1981
TIC FEB 1981 - NOV 1981
UIC NOV 1981 - OCT 1982
VIC OCT 1982 - SEP 1983
WIC SEP 1983 - OCT 1984
XIC OCT 1984 - NOV 1985
YIC NOV 1985 - DEC 1986
The final vehicle registered in Co Carlow in the old series was ...(1903 - 1986)
YIC 994
Very near the final reg in 1986 ... |
The first Car Registered in 1987 in Carlow was 87 CW 1 (new format) will cover in a later post.